Expectations Hurt

One is mostly hurt by the expectations which he / she has from someone in life. The rash of expectations has the power to lead us towards despair. Once we experience despair we begin dissecting ourselves and the situations that led to despair. On reflecting, one finds that even though there is anger towards the situation and the person, the heart does not quit. It goes on and on with the memories / thoughts / conversations / and the roller coaster ride in that vicious cycle. Estrangement does not come that easily to many of us. One longs to be in the situation even though in despair. This is witnessed when you are in love with someone to the extent that you do every little thing for the person but still get no affection in return. Many times things take a drastic turn and relations may even turn into hate stories. When so, one needs to reflect over the reasons - like the kind of words used / actions of the past and behavio...