Personality Development

When we look at the fashion model on the cover page of a celebrated magazine, we usually find ourselves saying or thinking “wow, what a personality, wish I had one”. To be an owner of a personality similar to a ramp model takes lot of physical labour, endless gym sessions and numerous food and lifestyle changes. If you are thinking that this much hard work can shape up a pleasing personality, then I regret to disappoint you. The answer is certainly a NO. Personality is the sum total of what we carry in the inside and radiate on the outside. Without a positive & smarter inside, an attractive outer appearance would just look like a pricey paintwork on a rugged wall, just there to hide the flaws inside. And hence, not merely a crash course to look good, personality development is an approach and an art to be mastered by all.

In a nutshell, personality development is a process which develops an individual’s overall personality in the terms of his/her behaviour, attitude, responses and appearance. More often, personality development is being misunderstood as the polishing of outer appearance and presentation of an attractive frame in front of the society. Contrarily, it isn’t. Personality development is a holistic approach resting upon the overall development of an individual, 50% inside and 50% out.

*Create an impression that lasts*

People who are into 24/7 professional/business environments, top level executives, independent business owners require a planned approach in personality development so that they leave a memorable social impression. Many top level managers, executives and directors meet number of people in a day who are directly or indirectly related to their profession/business. As a small gesture shaking of hands with firm hand shake can leave an impression of confidence in the mind of the guests, at the other end. Such trivial yet enhancing behaviours and mannerisms can speak volumes about the personality of a person. To shine through the clutter, it is an imperative to act and manage personalities in a way which projects an acceptable positive image to the world. Personality development must include the development of a strong character which contributes with good outer appearance on equal footing. Including human values such as integrity, trust or courage can impact others, which in turn, greatly influences the expectations people cultivate from us.

There are certain core qualities required by a person for achieving an overall personality development wherein, he/she achieve a desired goal.

*Confidence:* Being self-aware, treating others with respect can not only please the people we meet and spend our time with but also it adds a charm to an individual’s expression of own self.

*Communication:* Clarity of thoughts converts into better communication or verbal responses. Communication plays a major role in depicting how we well think and act in presence of others.

*Dressing up:* Appearance is a boon as much for the person who looks attractive but also for the people who receive positive vibes due to the presence of an attractive person. A pleasing dress up surely wins hearts and minds.

*Body language:* Our mannerisms are windows through which people in the outer world judge us. The way we talk, sit or walk are an integral part of our personality. The way we talk shapes our conversation and expresses our self-confidence.

*Social skills:* Being socially active in terms of striking a good conversation, talking in a friendly & modulated voice tone is just another way to score good marks among peers. Our social presence is the foundation on which the elements of our personality are built upon.

*Optimism:* Who doesn’t wish to be around a person with a positive outlook and problem-solving mind-set towards life and its circumstances? Positive attitude reaps us long terms benefits when it comes to nurturing quality relationships.

*Patient Listening:* A good conversation is only possible when patient listening is a key ingredient. Listening is one of the greatest skills to possess if we are looking forward to create a lasting impression on others through conversations.

*End Note:* Our personality shapes up in the way we want. It is completely under the control of his master. The world out there is judgmental about us and so to leave a mark of our own, we must not dither from taking an individual stand. Personality development is all about having your own thoughts about how to action and express yourself for own good and welfare of others.


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