Inner Changes

   What is inner growth? Is it being spiritual? The answer - Inner / spiritual growth is nothing but acceptance of the self by loving and accepting ourselves fully. If we accept and love ourselves fully then only we can be capable of giving love and acceptance to those around us - be it our family, friends, relatives or anyone who comes in touch with us. To love and accept ourselves fully we must keep in mind few things that will help us to achieve
   The first thing that one must be careful about is the judgmental nature. Since birth each of us is being judged by parents, teachers and our peers. We create these judgmental perceptions by observing others who are being judged at home, school, college or at the work place where we see someone being praised or dismissed for a particular trait. This way a mind map is created in our mind which shapes our perception. Our ecosystem revers self confidence, extroversion and success. We judge ourselves against those traits and judge others too on the same scale. 

   We are all becoming self centered on an individual level. As our society correlates progress to individual skills and effort, we all are self absorbed. We have lost sight of all those things and people who are involved in our pursuit of goals. The bosses are becoming hard charging, parents are becoming more demanding. The worst is the state of marriages where personal success and seeking control over the other has superseded the quality of marriage. 
   We are very fixed in our own ways of looking at things and expect others to follow suit. If it doesn't happen we are frustrated, angry and blame others for our unhappiness. That is the power of our ego and the result is that the closest relations whose foundation may have been true love; gets buried in our negative emotions like impatience, intolerance, disrespect, blame and anger. The worst among all these is that we harbor resentment and are unwilling to forgive. 
   The basic reason why one is not able to love others and the self is our sense of separateness. Each one of us is very attached to our physical self and due to this we are unable to comprehend our spiritual self. We consider our individuality very separate from our spirituality and so we strive to protect it any cost. This creates our ego, self absorption and judgmental nature. One must understand that we are all made of one omnipotent spiritual fabric and we are complete as an individual the way we are. The inner self is not devoid or lacking of anything. If we start connecting ourselves to these things it will be easy for us to relate to everyone from this perspective too. We will be open to the completeness of others and love them the way they are with a full hearted acceptance and love. Improve yourself at an inner level in order to leave the world peacefully and with satisfaction.


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