
Power of Positive Words

It is impossible for humans to live without language/words. Words are an important part and parcel of our life, our personality, our dreams & everything about us. There is no communication possible without words. The point is how mindful are we about the words we use. We never even bother what effect our words have on our life and our progress. Every word we think/speak rings a bell into our whole system. The whole system gets affected by the positive/negative impact of that particular word. For instance, we all know that happiness & sadness, pain & pleasure are the two sides of the same coin. But the impact these emotions create in our system is unbelievable. In situations of joy the whole body stands in resonance to our whole neurological system & lets out positivity. Whereas in negative situations we emit negativity - which is disastrous for us as well as for those who are around us. A negative 'chemical locha' occurs in our whole system which upsets every

NLP for Students

Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study for modelling excellence, where 'N' stands for Neuro : our first mental map of the world which is formed by our internal representations from our 5 senses namely visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory & gustatory. 'L' stands for Linguistic where we form our second map of the world around us through our assigned language, even known as our Linguistic map. 'P'  stands for Programming or our behavioural response towards the incidences that occur in our life due to the neurological filtering and our language map.  Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a tool for self-motivation and personal development. The teachers today have recognized that the principles of NLP are significantly parallel to Howard Gardner's 'Theory of Multiple Intelligences'. We all have our 'representational systems' where we process sensory information. Many of us display a preference for one system even though we all

Personality Development

When we look at the fashion model on the cover page of a celebrated magazine, we usually find ourselves saying or thinking “wow, what a personality, wish I had one”. To be an owner of a personality similar to a ramp model takes lot of physical labour, endless gym sessions and numerous food and lifestyle changes. If you are thinking that this much hard work can shape up a pleasing personality, then I regret to disappoint you. The answer is certainly a NO. Personality is the sum total of what we carry in the inside and radiate on the outside. Without a positive & smarter inside, an attractive outer appearance would just look like a pricey paintwork on a rugged wall, just there to hide the flaws inside. And hence, not merely a crash course to look good, personality development is an approach and an art to be mastered by all. In a nutshell, personality development is a process which develops an individual’s overall personality in the terms of his/her behaviour, attitude, responses an

The Emotional Bank Account

All of us   understand  what a  bank  account is. It  is   wherein  we  put  our  cash , make deposits, save for the  future , and make withdrawals  while  we  need  to. An Emotional B ank  Account is a metaphor that describes  the amount  of  trust  that has  built  up in a relationship. It 's  feeling  safe  with  some other  human being. Trust is what  allows   humans  to take  risks  and fail freely  due to the fact  there may be  a bond with  each other . If I make deposits into an Emotional B ank  Account  through  courtesy, honesty and  with the aid of   keeping  my commitments to you; if I  continually   deal with  you with kindness and respect towards you, I  acquire  a treasure. Your trust  toward  me increases, and I  can  rely upon that trust  in times of   need . It  is  even  feasible  to overdraw my account at  times   because  I' ve   mounted   good   credit  with you. I' m able to  make  errors  and that trust  level , that emotional

Self Worth

You and only you have the wisdom of what you are and what you can achieve. Don't be misguided by the conceptions of others. You have the key to your life/ success/ joys and everything you seek. No one has the power to demean you unless and until you give them the power.  KNOW YOUR SELF WORTH, UNLEASH YOUR POTENTIAL AND YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF EXCELLING IN EVERYTHING. SHUN OFF THE NEGATIVITY THAT FEELS YOU SOMETIMES, GET AWAY FROM NEGATIVE PEOPLE AND YOU WILL BE A WINNER IN LIFE. 

Transactional Analysis

         In the early 20th century, Sigmund Freud first established that the human psyche is multifaceted, and that each one of us has warring functions in our subconscious. In the 1950s Eric Berne developed his theory of Transactional Analysis. According to him, verbal communication, particularly face to face, is at the centre of human social relationships and psychoanalysis.         "You do something to me I do something back" was the starting point of every transaction we have.           When  2 persons meet each other, one of them will speak to the other. This is the Transaction Stimulus. The other person replies to this is the Transaction Response .          According to the Transactional Analysis concept each one of us is 3 persons in one body. Eric Berne called it the PAC Model, where P stands for Parent, A for Adult and C for Child.            Every human behaves in these 3 different mode. Our brain determines what we think and how we act. It acts as a tap

"Aim High" - Sky is the Limit.

                     Every once in a while, we wear a mask to hide our emotions, our faces, our deficiencies. Whilst it may be necessary  to do so under certain circumstances, we tend to overuse our masks. What's really beneath the mask is more important, more vital and more ethical. For me teaching/training is a very noble profession. As teachers/trainers we are meant to be sincere, compassionate and benevolent. Our worth is more than we realize. The community we have touched may forget the name, but will not forget our face. Let our faces reflect what we are and let us improve this picture by being what we are meant to be - more caring, more involved & more committed. Enjoy your profession. There are no limitations in sharing knowledge with your students/trainees. Be flexible, empathetic and loving towards them. The more you share the more you learn - that's what I believe in. I have never resisted from sharing knowledge while I am with my students/ trainees. I feel