Emotional or Practical

Being emotional is a basic human trait with which we are born. Some are balanced, some are over emotional and some are not at all emotional. The last category of not being emotional at all is a huge risk the person has taken for living life. Not being emotional and being practical and rational always is an invitation for a flood of miseries within. Nor can you enjoy the present moment nor can you have practical options always. What is the need for us to be so practical that we forget ourselves when we look at the person whom we love with all our heart but be practical by letting the person go? Why displaying one's emotions is wrong when deep inside it is ripping you apart? Is life a facade? Can't one be emotionally balanced and even understand the situation and take a practical approach when required. Is it always necessary to dry our emotions in the fiery storms of life and make ourselves stone hearted? Who is at harm in this? It is the person who has decided to stay p...