Happy Women's Day

As we commemorate International Women's Day, It's critical to consider the path towards gender parity and acknowledge the various experiences that women have worldwide. Despite advancements, a lot of women continue to be used and manipulated, frequently by members of the same society. Let's recognize the tenacity and fortitude of the fearless, honest, and hardworking women who face these obstacles head-on and overcome them. The Harsh Reality of Exploitation: Some women in our culture are subjected to manipulation and exploitation by their peers. These women frequently find themselves at the whim of cunning people who want to undercut their efforts and minimise their value, whether it's at the job, in social circles, or even in their own families. This kind of exploitation might include gaslighting, emotional blackmail, and even outright abuse. The Power of Resilience: The courageous and strong women among us do not allow such hardship to quiet or defeat them. They tak...