Let Your Mistakes Go

   Mistakes are the part and parcel of every human's life. Sometimes one is not even aware of committing a grave mistake. Once realization of our mistakes dawns upon us we are filled with guilt and misery. When hurt by others deeds we harbor resentment, ill feelings and aggression within us. If we hurt others we are at times forever guilty of committing that mistake. One must remember that we are all humans and its natural to err. None of us is perfect. The feelings of resentment, aggression and guilt when bottled up within a person lead to dire consequences and severe diseases. The person adversely affects the mental and physical health.
   In case you have erred, the best way is to accept the mistake and start making amends for it by talking openly about it to someone you trust. It becomes necessary for a person to bring out whatever is bottled up by venting it out to your best friend or any person whom you think is appropriate. This must be done as the bottled sentiments/emotions can aggravate the health of the person as they are toxic and disturb the peace of the person by reducing one's mental capacity. It is also a barrier for our relationships with others as resentment does more harm to the person that seethes within.
   Another way is to confess one's mistakes. It is a sort of self-cleansing of our resentment and hatred towards the person. The benefits of confession are that by confession we can overcome the barriers in the relationship and the feeling of rejection, pride, over condemnation and sickness too can be overcome. But see to it that the person before whom you confess does not take you for granted after the confession. We feel rejected because of the mistakes and confessing helps us to get rid of the feeling of being rejected, shame and makes us believe that God's forgiveness is real. When we are hurt by others we keep on justifying ourselves and blame the other. Blame-shifting is the subtle form of pride. By confessing we destroy this feeling too. Lastly we often feel the burden of our own mistakes which in turn makes us feel sick. The way we feel about ourselves and about others has a huge impact on our health. Many afflictions are just healed by confession.
   Thus confession and reconciliation with the truth is the way to remain whole as a person. It promotes good health and frees us from the sickness of mind and body. If required stay aloof from the people who take you for granted as they do not deserve you but do not waste your precious time in harboring resentment as ultimately if will affect you negatively. These negative people around you will not forgive or accept you with your mistakes. They will remember them and lacerate you time and again by reminding you as they do not want to see the change in you. So for the benefit of your own peace remain away from them rather than feeling belittled by them every moment. Learn from your mistakes rather than being guilty for them. Move ahead with positivity in your heart and mind without being intrigued by negativity of any sort.


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