Self- Neglect

Have you neglected your self and lived to please others? There are many examples of people who have neglected themselves and spent their lives in living up to the wishes/orders of the opposite person. Relations between a brother-sister, husband-wife, friends and many more thrive only on one person trying to fulfill the demands of the other and please the other. This "Self- neglect" ruins the mental status of the person who is constantly under the pressure of trying to fit into the mold of the other person. Its a traumatic phase for the person as the person constantly lives in a fear of being left out if he/she does not fit in. Such persons do not think of themselves and are not at all interested in shaping their life. In case they try to do so they live in constant guilt of not doing what is expected by the opposite person. They are labelled with various names too by the near and dear ones. Some are threatened that they may lose the love and attention of t...