The Toxicity of Relations

Can a relation be toxic? If yes, then why does one continue to live within that relation? A toxic relation is that relation wherein on coming in touch with that person your head boils in rage, you become rude and impolite, you have no control over your feelings and words. You just start feeling negativity when you are with that person. You hate the presence of that person and feel deprived of your self respect in the presence of that person. In mutual relations within a family, there may be many individuals who survive despite of having a toxic and volatile relation with the other. This could be between a mother-daughter, father-daughter, mother-son, father-son, husband - wife, son-in-law and the in laws, daughter-in -law and the in laws and many more. It is very much taxing to the mind to be in such kind of toxicity all the while. One person is the silent sufferer and sometimes the sufferer has bouts of anguish and frustration over the other person. People who are into such toxic...