The Power of Prayer

              "Pray as though no work would help, and work as though no prayer would help".
When we pray as though no work would help, we focus our all attention to God, the Almighty. Praying with fervent intensity and single - mindedness God will never ignore us. It is because God knows when we sincerely pray, when we are in real pain and when doe he really need to come to our aid. So if the prayers are half-hearted then God may not pay heed to them. Only if a seeker is truly yearning for God, God hears her/him.
When we work, we should work as if no prayer would help. This applies to such people who do not pray but put in their best efforts to attain their goals. Such people think that whatever they have achieved in life is due to their efforts. They neither remember God nor do they pray. They do not believe in God's power nor feel that God is the Supreme power.
True spirituality lies in the combination of both these attitudes. We should play our part well and fulfill all the responsibilities. Having done this we can help others. At work we should put our all efforts as if nothing would work, or no prayer would help. When we behave this way, we are fulfilling our responsibilities to ourselves, towards our family, our community and to the world. Let us be of use and service to all around us. And even after putting our best efforts we do not succeed, we could pray with all our heart, mind and soul and seek the grace of God. Remember that "God hears the sincere cry of an ant sooner than the trumpeting of an elephant".


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