A Happy Mind

   Listen to nature to learn and understand why day turns into night, the change in seasons, the sound of water / waterfall / waves and so many other natural things that happen around us. What is the teaching that Nature gives us through all these phenomena?
   The teaching that is hidden in these is that nothing is permanent and everything that happens in our life is relative so we need to let go and free ourselves of those emotions and thoughts that make us feel stressed or nervous. Be a good listener to those who are always on the go to give us a variety of opinions / advice and what not. Learn to listen and respect all. One cannot be dogmatic if one wants to live with a happy mind without stress. Only a mind that is open and spacious can be a happy mind. It will be an accepting state of mind. A narrow mind will make you stressed and will never even allow you to accept the self. This leads to jealousy for others and the person struggles with all kinds of horrifying and pathetic thoughts which burdens the person with stress and anxiety.
   The golden rule to remember is that nothing exists with permanence and change is the only constant. One needs to set the self free from every attachment; be it with a thought, hope, desire or a person. The more attached you are the more narrow is your mind with less space and unhappiness within. It doesn't mean that we should not have anything of the above; its just that we should not fix it in one place as it leads to stress. We don't need to be ascetics but we need to understand the relative truths that occur in our life.
   A happy mind will allow you to live in peace with your self, accept yourself with your flaws and strengths. You will be stress free, know yourself better and take the right decisions when required. For a healthy life one needs to be open and accepting to the self in order to have a happy and accepting mind.


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