
   The socially expressive component which is associated with emotional intelligence speaks about the way humans should emotionally communicate with people around them by showing empathy, sympathy and care - concern for others. If we do not possess these traits it is rather difficult for us to survive in this world. These traits are very important features associated with being socially expressive.
   These traits have an importance because our non verbal behavior - like posture, gestures, facial expressions and vocalization depends on them. If we are angry / upset / depressed / bored it can be easily noticed by the person with whom we live or communicate. Showing empathy towards others when required speaks about the height of understanding you have despite the ill behavior of the person. We are sympathetic to situations / people / animals but rarely do we show empathy towards others.
  One needs to have a balance of emotions even though things are not favorable in life. The socially expressive component helps us to survive within the society. The best example that strikes my mind is my present situation of living in the hostel. There are people from various states and it becomes rather difficult to strike a rapport with each and every one. In such situations I always apply one rule: talk to all and learn something from every person who comes in touch with you. Living with people who are strangers and trying to adapting to their moods and behavior is really a taxing thing at times. Neither can you cut yourself off nor can you bear with the insensitivity of others. All you can do is keep enduring and wait for the phase to end.
   These are the traits which make you survive in adverse circumstances and make you strong emotionally. You realize your strengths only when you successfully pass the tough phase without any hiccups. Your socially expressive component decides how far you can go in times of trial. They mold you into a person of substance who possesses the strength and ability to emerge as a tough warrior -  unbeatable in life.


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