Be Sellable

   Irrespective of your field / job description you are always a salesperson - because you communicate the value of something that you do / are required to do. Due to the competition and rivalry one must learn the art of selling yourself in your field / career. 
   One constantly strives to sustain a positive image of the self. One is selling ideas by highlighting its merits / trying to expand your horizons of influence / negotiating to disagreements / trying to make others agree to your point of view. We need to get better at all of these in order to rise at a personal and professional level because we are always selling our ideas / views / creativity / opinions and many more things that we are required to do for the profession we are in. 
   To sell yourself effectively one must have a well written sales pitch in the form of your resume / CV. It will shortlist you for the position you are applying for, if it sounds like a professional sales presentation through which you will do justice to the product you are selling - YOU. Without it your document will just resemble an insipid classified ad which creates no impact. Your achievements should be framed by keeping in mind the job requirements.
   After getting shortlisted it is time for you to sell yourself through out the interview process. Your strategies of answering - structuring your responses, laying stress on the milestones you have achieved by highlighting your achievements and finally closing the sale by showing a conviction and promising to deliver as per the standards set by the organization for you. 
   Every person must have a 30 second elevator pitch ready in the form of your introduction as you may have to meet and communicate with many professionals. The elevator pitch may include information on what you do and how you are instrumental in adding value to the organization. If the pitch is a compelling one it will have an ever - lasting effect. There could be people who may intend to meet you again / discuss the challenges they face and want solutions from you. Doing it this way will also help you create a professional network group and allow you to explore new opportunities.
   Feedback is the barometer of effective communication and it is your job to provide feedback to your immediate boss over the kind of work you do. If you are briefing the boss about the project on which you are working; again you are selling yourself and communicating the importance of what you are doing.
   Toolkit to survive and be sellable - be empathetic, meet the deadlines / targets / expectations of the employer. Be a man of your words and keep sharing knowledge and supporting others around you. In the coming future what we will need is - Creativity, Passion and Compassion where the people with inspired hearts will uplift themselves and others in their profession. Creativity at every front is the new leadership skill so be imaginative, resilient and curious to adapt to new changes by being consistent through out in their career to sell yourself and be successful.


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