There are a variety of techniques through which the candidates can answer the questions during an interview. Techniques like compelling story technique, parroting technique, re framing technique, mirroring technique and the Abraham Lincoln technique. One particular approach that can be used to answer the behavioral questions is STAR (situation, task, action and result). It helps a candidate to answer the questions related to his / her behavior by structuring it as per the situation, task, action or the result. This technique helps your to deliver your responses in a simple yet powerful manner and gives an idea on how he / she has dealt with specific work situation and its challenges. 
   STAR is also known as CAR (context/ challenge, action, result. Both are same in its approach; context here in the CAR relates to situation and task of STAR. Both these methods are similar to the PAR (problem, action, result). The plus point of STAR is that it allows to voice your achievements which you have mentioned in your resume. The essence of STAR method interviews lies in the questions which a candidate is asked based on past work experiences and questions on specific situations and what the candidate did to handle the situation / how did the candidate behave. 
   An example of this is - How did you manage to complete the project in such a short span of time despite of enormous pressure? This will lead the candidate to first answer by describing the situation, then move ahead with the tasks that were to be performed based on the situation, the action plan that was implemented and finally the result. The focus is on the over all behavior that the candidate portrayed inspite of the challenges that came. Once the candidate has answered the question the panel of experts are analyzing the response by focusing on the qualities that the response demonstrates. Through behavioral questions, the panel has an idea of the dedication, perseverance, sincerity, hardworking nature, creativity for innovative and feasible solutions and emotional maturity.  
   Thus any person who is a candidate for the interview process must always prepare the self by analyzing the behavior and self based on the situation, task, action and result. These behavioral questions will give the panel and insight into the kind of personality you are and be of help to them in recruiting the best and suitable person for the position.


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