Stay Young Stay Alive

We all keep on thinking about the past and planning for the future. But can we see our future ? Why can't we stop looking at our past ? The fact is nothing exists except the present neither the past  nor the future. How many of us live in the present? We all are slaves of our mind that keeps on thinking either about the past or about the future. Happy  and lucky is the person who is is able to live in the present. Such a person is a young mind that is neither childish nor old.
   Actually speaking we human beings never pass through youthfulness. It is because we directly move from childhood to old age. This is because of the pressures of education system, the burden of our studies, the expectations of all around us and many other factors that deprive us of our youthfulness. We are fitted in a system that is rigid and competitive. We are not able to break away from the shackles of these demons in the form of our education system and competition. We ran a race and we expect our children to do so.
   Being young is a deep process where one is open towards things. One possesses the sanity and wisdom to differentiate between the good and bad, the positive and negative and being emotionally intelligent. To remain young one has to be a life long learner and have personal imprints rather than following the imprints given by others. Every child must have his / her unique thought process and personal imprints. Parents should never impose their imprints / opinions / preconceived notions / views on the child. Let the child experience and acquire the nectar of knowledge rather than relying on you. No two experiences are the same so let your child learn, experience and unlearn to remain young and full of youthfulness. Let your child learn to experience the joy of forgiveness without resentment, love without expectations and teach it to help with a selfless attitude. 


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