
   Youngsters have a penchant for loneliness as they cannot bear someone curtailing their desires and preventing them from doing what they want. An analysis done states that in living a life of one's desires; one begins to create a distance with their own family members because youngsters are capricious and do not want the surveillance of any elder - be it a parent / teacher / in laws to advice or admonish. This is a precarious time for the youth and even though they demand solitude; deep down they yearn for togetherness from the people around them. This is the reason why everyone of us loves parties and celebrations. 
   We isolate ourselves because we do not intend to have ego issues. We fear rejection and never want to be disregarded. This way we allow loneliness to creep into our psyche and in our life. 'Social distancing' makes one more lonely. By distancing ourselves socially we allow loneliness in our life and thus fail to see the larger picture of life where there is happiness, completion of goals and success. The youth must understand that having a fear of rejection / disappointment / criticism deprives us of the company of near and dear ones. It doesn't matter if someone does not agree with you. All must learn to accept the views of others.   
   We all have umpteen expectations from our life. People around you have huge expectations from you even though they love you. Mother Nature is pleasing as it accepts us unconditionally and constantly showers her blessings on us. When lonely; go amidst Nature, experience it by feeling a sense of harmony ; a sense of oneness with it. The mind will gradually get calm and will feel loved and protected. Be active and contact people. There are many people out in the world who are lonely - youngsters, senior citizens, your family members or may be your friends. 
   One must not feel snubbed by the rejection of the past. Try to contact and reach out to those who need a sympathetic ear. Talk to such people by being empathetic. This will help you to come out of the abyss of loneliness by helping others too in overcoming it. Learn to connect your heart with others and share. So what if you get criticism? Sharing of views is important and being open minded to those views will allow you to connect with others.
   We all are aware of the way our great leaders who were imprisoned during the fight for freedom spent their time. The time in the prison was a lonely one for them but most of them were intrepid personalities who did not fall prey to loneliness. instead they remained engaged in their noble thoughts, some of them continued to read and write. Thus to make a mental connect with others, one must have a goal that can be worked upon. This journey of working towards the goal and identifying it with others will take away the sense of isolation from us. 
   One must learn to let go off the baggage; try to be content and nurture a sense of bliss and peace in your heart . Once you are able to do this; your wants and expectations will dissolve. Do not shut people nor isolate yourself. Loneliness is a negative mental attitude that will make you hollow. Stay away from it by doing somethings for others around you. Accept people as your own and you will never ever be lonely again. 



  1. Amazing thoughts dear...Love the way you pen down such thought provoking blogs👌


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