Life Experiences

Our experiences would be a waste if we do not use them. None of us just lands into the world with all the required knowledge. But each one of us goes through the process of 'living' life. These moments are the experiences which you had; yet we never take a lesson from our experiences. Unless and until we don't stop and look back into the experiences of the past we will never learn from those experiences. You are what your experiences have molded you into. If you are bitter / fussy / insecure /, it could be that you have faced such circumstances. But the strength lies in doing the opposite. If you had a toxic boss who ill treated you and showed no human concern towards you; would you also play the same boss or you would be the opposite. While reading this each one of us would respond by affirming that you will not be the same toxic boss. But does this really happen in the world? Only in rare cases; otherwise most of the time the same vicious chain continues. Why? Why? Why?...