Life Experiences


Our experiences would be a waste if we do not use them. None of us just lands into the world with all the required knowledge. But each one of us goes through the process of 'living' life. These moments are the experiences which you had; yet we never take a lesson from our experiences. Unless and until we don't stop and look back into the experiences of the past we will never learn from those experiences. You are what your experiences have molded you into. If you are bitter / fussy / insecure /, it could be that you have faced such circumstances. But the strength lies in doing the opposite. If you had a toxic boss who ill treated you and showed no human concern towards you; would you also play the same boss or you would be the opposite. While reading this each one of us would respond by affirming that you will not be the same toxic boss. But does this really happen in the world? Only in rare cases; otherwise most of the time the same vicious chain continues. Why? Why? Why?

No one intends to break the vicious pattern and question. Everyone wants to be in the good books of such bosses. No one retaliates nor does anyone raise their voice. The cycle continues; and with it the injustice / inhuman attitude of such bosses continues. Our society needs to make a change, It makes no sense in passing an unjust action / behavior because one has suffered the same. If this continues in families / workplaces; the scenario in these places will never be cordial and  harmonious. As said earlier, it takes lot of strength and courage to break the chain and act right. If I am doing it but people at the workplace are doing the opposite; it is not them who will be disturbed because they are ruthless. If I am sensitive, I will be the one who suffers.

Let us not spread evil and hatred. This will be more easy when bosses stop being bosses and behave as responsible leaders at the workplace. In families, a mother in law must stop comparing her life with her past in order to bring harmony in the family and towards her daughter in law. If an experience of the past has given you great hurt; think 1000 times before doing the same to others. Break the chain and spread love and compassion. To do something which no one ever dared to is not easy. But if you can do it and spread harmony every relation will be a rich experience. Have good experiences in life and make a difference by giving the same to one and all around you. But do remember, that to do this you don't need to act like a fool. In spite of being good if someone behaves wrong / inhuman with you, its time to show the person her place and if you do not do it KARMA will do the rest. 


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