The Power of Prayer


To pray or not to pray is the choice of every individual but to respect the time of prayer cannot be the choice of an individual. It really shocks me to see majority of girls moving here and there in the University campus during the time of prayer. The prayer that we have is not a long prayer and yet these girls have the impudence to move around during the prayer time. I can understand that each one of us in a great hurry during the morning hours but that does not mean that we can insult the creator of the Universe. 

Every university will have students who follow different religions and traditions. But the common factor among all these religions is that every one prays. Whether it is prayer done in isolation / in a crowd one must respect the hour pf prayer. It is one of the stepping stones to respecting a person. If you love and respect someone; you will definitely respect the time when the person prays without any objections / barriers. A university is the hub of knowledge where each of the students are equal. We must not discuss religions / castes / creed. But if the university has a prayer time then why do the students not respect it and stand in attention without using the cell phone / talking to someone for a brief time. 

Prayers are the food for the soul. Majority of us pray to our respective gods. Praying has innumerable benefits that will enhance your life. Every human being especially a student needs the power of prayer not only during the exams but all throughout the life in order to attain confidence, to use it as our moral compass, for healing ourselves, for gaining peace, to be a righteous person, for demonstrating empathy, for seeking forgiveness and forgiving others who have wronged us. For me it is a stress buster. It puts me into deep sleep in the night and rejuvenates me. At times now, I feel I must just engross myself in prayers and quit everything. My prayer time gives me bliss. It activates my sixth sense through which I have never been wrong in all circumstances of life. 

It is not that one has to respect the hour of prayer only during your days as a student / at an educational institute; but always forever. Each one of us wastes our time immensely on the cell phones, why can't we spare a few minutes to talk to our creator? God is the one who listens to our disappointments and sorrows. God is the one who listens and loves us unconditionally without any bias and yet we do not have the basic manners to show our respect to God. This must be enforced as a rule in every educational campus in order to teach the students that it is not we who run the show but God the Almighty who is the ULTIMATE POWER.


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