Handling Relations

Many a times the circumstances or incidences that occur in our life are so complex that it becomes rather difficult and impossible for us to arrive at a neutral conclusion. These phases are mostly witnessed by us all in our relationships and precisely happen a lot with the bunch of people with whom we live. This happens because every person has his/her version of the story. While dealing with such complex issues in relationships it is often observed that whenever there is a dispute between 2 persons, say for example there are 2 friends A and B. When you listen to the story of A, you feel A is right and when you listen to B, you feel B is right. Both are true and both are liars. It is because both have their own perception and their own story. None of them wants to put their foot down and arrive at a conclusion. And this continues lifelong. Observing the cycle of relationships around it can be understood that whenever there is any dispute between two, it is very d...